Friday, January 2, 2009

Wagon Videos/Halloween

Fall 2008

We apologize for being so late...We've been busy packing, moving, un-packing, etc. For anyone who may not know, we now live in Charleston, SC. It is beautiful here--lots of colors in the fall, beautiful coastline, lots of history and total strangers wave from the street. Sam loves his new school and Suzan and Samuel are learning their way around town. We have a lot of pictures for you to see. They span from July until Christmas.

Our UPS man for Halloween!

Playing at Great Grandma's in the leaves.

At the York Town with Grandma Val!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Baby Samuel Laughing!!

Finally!!! An update of our little man!!!

The Wilson family is diligently packing for our move in less than TWO weeks!! We are moving to Charleston, SC for Sam's schooling. We are sorry it has taken us so long to update our blog. We have had some interruptions that have kept us away. Please enjoy the latest pictures!!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Samuel has learned to clap!! He's been watching us carefully whenever we cheer and shout, "Yay!!" He finally decided that he wanted to learn. Usually he clams up when the camera is on, but luckily I was able to catch him. Enjoy!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Laughing in Charleston

Here is the most recent video of our little man...Grandfather Wilson took the video during our recent trip to Charleston. We'll post some more pictures from our recent trip soon.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Happy Feet with Music!!!

HAHAHA!! Guess what I found on my laptop?! A video editing program!! So, I took our little Man-Cub dancing and made a little clip for you guys. Enjoy! We sure do!