Thursday, September 20, 2007

More pictures

BOY! Having Grandma Humpry (Ahnnie) over has afforded some great pictures. Little Samuel just loves sitting, being rocked and throwing his hands into the air. (He sleeps with his arms pulled up above his head! So cute!) He's eating well, sleeping a lot and everything is just peachy. He's just so perfect! (Oh, no--we're not proud!) Just as a side note: any of you heard of or seen the DVD "Happiest Baby on the Block"? We watched it a couple days before we went to the hospital. The stuff WORKS!! If Samuel is screaming, all I have to do is hold him in my arms turned on his side and just a little foreward on his belly and "shush" in his ear and he immediately calms down. It's awesome! Anyway, I highly recomend the DVD to anyone with newborns.

'Nuff talk--I know all you care about is pictures. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Daddy said...

Well, at least now there is one good-looking man in your family...:)